Workshop: Teaching Neo-Latin: texts, materials, didactic challenges

Online, 30/10/2024

The Teaching Committee of the IANLS, together with the Warburg Institute, the Society for Neo-Latin Studies, the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, and the Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae of KU Leuven, is organizing a digital workshop on “Teaching Neo-Latin: texts, materials, didactic challenges”.

It will take place on Wednesday 30 October, 1 to 4.30 p.m. British time. Further information and registration via this link:

The aim of this online event is to bring together (especially early career) researchers and teachers interested and involved in the teaching of Neo-Latin texts at both school and university level. Papers will reflect on the tools and platforms already available, and those which are still needed in order to successfully implement Neo-Latin teaching more broadly in schools and universities.

Programme (times are UK-based)

1.00 p.m.: Welcome and Introduction

1.10–1.45 p.m.: Eugenia Sisto (Warburg Institute, London),  “A new understanding of Latin: the case of Dante’s De vulgari eloquentia

1.45–2.20 p.m.: Irina Tautschnig (University of York) and Dominik Berrens (University of Mainz), “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Early Modern Natural History for Schools”

2.30–3.05 p. m.: Pieter Vynckier (Sila Westerlo School), “The Laudatio Borysthenis by Feofan Prokopovych in the comprehensible Latin classroom”

3.05–3.40 p.m.: Katharina Schön (University of Groningen), “Neo-Latin Literature during Italian Fascism and German National Socialism”

3.40–4.15 p.m.: Anna Rogowska-Wandowicz and Elżbieta Górka (University of Wrocław), “Epigrammata by Klemens Janicki (1516–1543) and Spoken Latin”

4.15/30 p.m.: Close

Travel bursaries Aix-en-Provence 2025

Thanks to the two Memorial Funds of the IANLS, the Executive Committee is pleased to offer a number of Travel Bursaries to help doctoral students and early career researchers (within three years of their PhD award) meet the costs of travel to the Nineteenth International Congress of the IANLS in Aix-en-Provence, France. Up to 10 grants of 300 EUR will be made available.

Please send the completed form to by 1st November 2024.

The form may be completed in any of the IANLS’ official languages. We hope to inform you of the outcome of your application by the beginning of December 2024.

The form is available as PDF and DOCX.

Conf: Bücher in neulateinischen Gedichten

Bonn, 28/06/2024

The workshop is made possible by financial support from the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, the Studium Generale of the University of Bonn and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Bonn.

Download the full program as PDF HERE. For more information, please visit the related entry on the HP of the University of Bonn HERE.

The 25th anniversary of the Neulateinisches Jahrbuch will also be celebrated on the same day. All information about this event can be found HERE.

Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis published

Florian Schaffenrath and Dirk Sacré are delighted to announce that the proceedings of the 2022 IANLS Congress in Leuven have been published:

Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022)
Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2024.
(Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, vol. 18)
ISBN: 978-90-04-69557-3

As usual, after general material on the jubilee congress in Leuven, the volume contains the plenary papers (by Marcus de Schepper, Sylvie Laigneau-Fontaine, Antonio Iurilli, José Carlos Miralles Maldonado, and Claudia Schindler) and then over 50 selected papers that were held in Leuven. The editors are pleased that the volume has been published long before the next congress, which will take place in Aix-en-Provence in 2025.

CfP: RSA Annual Meeting 2025

Boston, 20/03/2025 – 22/03/2025

Submission deadline: 22/07/2024

International Association for Neo-Latin Studies
Call for Paper and Panel Proposals
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting
Boston, 20–22 March 2025

Proposals are sought both for individual papers and for entire sessions (normally three papers), on any topic concerning Latin in the Renaissance, to be sponsored by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies at next year’s Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to be held in Boston, 20 to 22 March 2025. As a large Associate Organization of the RSA, the IANLS will be allotted up to four panels. Sponsorship of a panel by the IANLS normally means that the panel will be accepted by the Program Committee for presentation at the RSA Annual Meeting without further vetting, provided the panels comply with the RSA guidelines. Please keep in mind that, if you send an individual proposal that is not part of a pre-formed panel, the IANLS cannot guarantee that the proposal will automatically fit into one of the four allotted panels.

Proposals should include all the information listed in the Submission Guidelines on the RSA website under ‘What’s in a proposal?’

Please pay careful attention to the restricted word count, as the RSA’s submission system will not accept entries that exceed maximum limits. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Everyone who presents at the Annual Meeting must be a member of RSA at the time of the meeting; for details see the Submission Guidelines on the RSA website under ‘RSA Membership and Eligibility’.

Applicants for inclusion into one of the IANLS panels will normally be expected to be paid-up members of the IANLS (or will be expected to join the Association).

Please do not submit a proposal unless you are confident that you will have the time and the funds to attend the meeting. Each year we see a certain number of people dropping out well past the deadline or even quite close to the meeting itself. Unexpected problems can obviously arise, but every withdrawn paper means an opportunity lost to, and a place taken from, another IANLS member, who wanted to participate.

Proposals should be sent to Marc Laureys, who is the IANLS representative with the RSA, at, no later than Monday 22 July 2024. Proposals will be refereed, and everyone will be notified in due course about whether or not the proposal has been accepted by the IANLS for inclusion into one of the four panels. Anyone whose proposal is not accepted for the IANLS panels will be informed in time in order to be able to submit as an individual; please note, though, that in that case the submission will be evaluated by the Program Committee of the RSA.

Download the CfP as PDF HERE.

CfP: Teaching Neo-Latin: texts, materials, didactic challenges

Online, 30/10/2024

Submission deadline: 15/06/2024

The Warburg Institute, the Teaching Committee of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS), the Society for Neo-Latin Studies (SNLS), the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Neo-Latin Studies (LBI) and the Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae of KU Leuven will organize a digital workshop “Teaching Neo-Latin: texts, materials, didactic challenges” on October 30 2024. It will be hosted by the Warburg Institute (London).

The aim of the online encounter is to bring together (especially early career) researchers and teachers interested or involved in the teaching of Neo-Latin texts at both school and university level.

The aim of the workshop is to explore ways to assemble teaching material and the deliver the teaching. It will reflect on the tools and platforms already available, and those which are still needed in order to successfully implement Neo-Latin teaching more broadly in schools and universities.

Participants will be invited to give a brief presentation of 20–25 minutes in which they present a Neo-Latin text, or extract(s) from (different) Ne-Latin text(s) that they consider adequate for didactic purposes. The talk should focus on pedagogical questions: how would you set up teaching material for the text(s) in question – e.g. by giving a short introductory text that leads the students over to the Latin text; accompanying the Latin by vocabulary aids and notes; having the material followed by questions or assignments helping students to get more involved in the text? How would you organize your class/your session(s)? Reflecting on challenges and possible solutions can be part of the presentation. Additionally, the participants will be invited to share in advance the text to be taught and some corresponding pedagogical material they consider useful/necessary to teach it (a [first draft of a] commentary they have made, or guiding questions for the students when reading the text, or visual material, or…). The material will be distributed among all participants in order to foster a lively and constructive discussion. If participants are interested, we intend to publish the finalized material in a digital and open access form after the workshop in order to make it available for as many teachers as possible.

If you are interested in participating, please send a brief abstract of max. 300 words and a brief CV by 15 June 2024 to:;

The organisers
Sarah Knight (Leicester/SNLS)
Gesine Manuwald (London/SNLS)
Lucy Nicholas (Warburg Institute/SNLS)
Christoph Pieper (Leiden/IANLS)
Raf Van Rooy (Leuven)
Isabella Walser-Bürgler (Innsbruck/LBI)

Spring School “Neo-Latin Literature in and about Rome”

Rome, 03/05/2024 – 11/05/2024

The Teaching Committee of the IANLS, in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR), organizes a masterclass (spring school) on “Neo-Latin Literature in and about Rome” for MA and PhD students from 3–11 May 2024 in Rome.

The course will be taught by Susanna de Beer (KNIR/Rome), Claudia Schindler (Hamburg) and Christoph Pieper (Leiden). Please see the following link for further details on the course and on how to apply.

CfP: RSA Annual Meeting 2024

Chicago, 21/03/2024 23/03/2024

Submission deadline: 10/07/2023

International Association for Neo-Latin Studies
Call for Paper and Panel Proposals
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting

Proposals are sought both for individual papers and for entire sessions (normally three papers), on any topic concerning Latin in the Renaissance, to be sponsored by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies at next year’s Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to be held in Chicago, 21 to 23 March 2024. As a large Associate Organization of the RSA, the IANLS will be allotted up to four panels. Sponsorship of a panel by the IANLS normally means that the panel will be accepted by the Program Committee for presentation at the RSA Annual Meeting without further vetting, provided the panels comply with the RSA guidelines. Please keep in mind that, if you send an individual proposal that is not part of a pre-formed panel, the IANLS cannot guarantee that the proposal will automatically fit into one of the four allotted panels.

Proposals should include all the information listed in the Submission Guidelines on the RSA website under ‘What’s in a proposal?’.

Please pay careful attention to the restricted word count, as the RSA’s submission system will not accept entries that exceed maximum limits. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Everyone who presents at the Annual Meeting must be a member of RSA at the time of the meeting; for details see the Submission Guidelines on the RSA website under ‘RSA Membership and Eligibility’.

Applicants for inclusion into one of the IANLS panels will normally be expected to be paid-up members of the IANLS (or will be expected to join the Association).

Please do not submit a proposal unless you are confident that you will have the time and the funds to attend the meeting.  Each year we see a certain number of people dropping out well past the deadline. Unexpected problems can obviously arise, but every withdrawn paper means an opportunity lost to, and a place taken from, another IANLS member, who wanted to participate.

Proposals should be sent to Marc Laureys, who is the IANLS representative with the RSA, at, no later than 10 July 2023. Proposals will be refereed, and everyone will be notified in due course about whether or not the proposal has been accepted by the IANLS for inclusion into one of the four panels.  Anyone whose proposal is not accepted for the IANLS panels will be informed in time in order to be able to submit as an individual; please note, though, that in that case the submission will be evaluated by the Program Committee of the RSA.

Spoken Latin as a Teaching Tool

Online, 20/06/2023 – 21/06/2023

A Workshop Hosted by the Teaching Committee
of the International Association of Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS),
led by Andrew Morehouse and Ilse van Rooyen of Latinitas Animi Causa

This workshop is meant for teachers who are interested in spoken Latin and would like to know more about how and why it is used in the classroom. The workshop will feature two 90-minute sessions on Zoom. The first day of the workshop will focus on the scholarly and pedagogical rationale: why is spoken Latin an effective tool for teaching students to read authentic Latin texts? The second day of the workshop will focus on practical application: what are some methods for using spoken Latin in the classroom? No previous experience with spoken Latin is necessary, and no specific preparation for the workshops is required.

Day 1: Pedagogical rationale for spoken Latin as a teaching tool, 20 June 2023 at 11:00am–12:30pm US Eastern Daylight Time (= 17:00–18:30 Central European Time).

Day 2: Practical application for using spoken Latin as a teaching tool, 21 June 2023 at 11:00am–12:30pm US Eastern Daylight Time (= 17:00–18:30 Central European Time).

No advanced preparation is required. For the Zoom link to this free online workshop, please contact Tom Hendrickson (