Digital Resources for Teaching Neo-Latin

Dear members of the IANLS,

As announced during the last congress in Leuven, the newly formed IANLS Committee for Teaching of Neo-Latin wishes to collect digitally available teaching material and resources on the new IANLS website in order to promote and inspire the teaching of Neo-Latin and to help teachers (in schools and at Universities) who might have less experience with the field.

For this we need your help: We are inviting you to send us links to digitally available teaching material (ideally open access) that we can publish on the website. This could include annotated texts; didactic toolkits or didactic ideas; instruction videos; or other kind of material useful for teaching. (Note that some more general digital resources, like for example Johann Ramminger’s Neulateinische Wortliste, are already on the IANLS website under the tab of the Committee for Digital Resources).

If you are willing to share your own material or know of interesting sites that contains didactic material, please email the link to Christoph Pieper ( and to Ivan Lábaj ( [please copy both in your message!]. It would be very helpful if you could add 3–4 descriptive sentences about the content of the material/about what to be found on the site.

We are looking forward to receiving your suggestions!
Best wishes, in the name of the whole committee,
Christoph Pieper