Prof. Dr. Jozef IJsewijn (1932–1998) was the inspiration behind the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies. In his memory, the Association is offering a reward for the best first book published on a Neo-Latin topic in the interval between conferences.
Scholars who have come out with their first published book in the field are invited to submit this work to the First Vice-President of the IANLS, Alejandro Coroleu ( The ad hoc jury consists each time of two members of the IANLS who submit a report to the First Vice-President. The winner’s name will be announced at the opening of the conference, and he/she will be awarded life-long membership of the Association.
Prize Winners
Leuven 2022
Christophe Bertiau
Le latin entre tradition et modernité. Jean Dominique Fuss (1782–1860) et son époque. Hildesheim: Olms 2020 (Noctes Neolatinae, 39). ISBN: 978-3-487-15949-2 []
Albacete 2018
Thomas Hendrickson
Ancient Libraries and Renaissance Humanism. The De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius. Leiden / Boston: Brill 2017 (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 265/20). ISBN: 978-90-04-33816-6 []
Vienna 2015
Valéry Berlincourt
Commenter la Thébaïde (16e–19e s.). Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace. Leiden / Boston: Brill 2013 (Mnemosyne Supplements, 354). ISBN: 978-90-04-20711-0 []
Münster 2012
Aline Smeesters-Lelubre
Aux rives de la lumière : La poésie de la naissance chez les auteurs néo-latins des anciens Pays-Bas entre la fin du XVe siècle et le milieu du XVIIe siècle. Leuven: Leuven UP 2011 (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia, 29). ISBN: 9789058678829 []