CfP: RSA Annual Meeting 2024

Chicago, 21/03/2024 23/03/2024

Submission deadline: 10/07/2023

International Association for Neo-Latin Studies
Call for Paper and Panel Proposals
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting

Proposals are sought both for individual papers and for entire sessions (normally three papers), on any topic concerning Latin in the Renaissance, to be sponsored by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies at next year’s Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to be held in Chicago, 21 to 23 March 2024. As a large Associate Organization of the RSA, the IANLS will be allotted up to four panels. Sponsorship of a panel by the IANLS normally means that the panel will be accepted by the Program Committee for presentation at the RSA Annual Meeting without further vetting, provided the panels comply with the RSA guidelines. Please keep in mind that, if you send an individual proposal that is not part of a pre-formed panel, the IANLS cannot guarantee that the proposal will automatically fit into one of the four allotted panels.

Proposals should include all the information listed in the Submission Guidelines on the RSA website under ‘What’s in a proposal?’.

Please pay careful attention to the restricted word count, as the RSA’s submission system will not accept entries that exceed maximum limits. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Everyone who presents at the Annual Meeting must be a member of RSA at the time of the meeting; for details see the Submission Guidelines on the RSA website under ‘RSA Membership and Eligibility’.

Applicants for inclusion into one of the IANLS panels will normally be expected to be paid-up members of the IANLS (or will be expected to join the Association).

Please do not submit a proposal unless you are confident that you will have the time and the funds to attend the meeting.  Each year we see a certain number of people dropping out well past the deadline. Unexpected problems can obviously arise, but every withdrawn paper means an opportunity lost to, and a place taken from, another IANLS member, who wanted to participate.

Proposals should be sent to Marc Laureys, who is the IANLS representative with the RSA, at, no later than 10 July 2023. Proposals will be refereed, and everyone will be notified in due course about whether or not the proposal has been accepted by the IANLS for inclusion into one of the four panels.  Anyone whose proposal is not accepted for the IANLS panels will be informed in time in order to be able to submit as an individual; please note, though, that in that case the submission will be evaluated by the Program Committee of the RSA.

Spoken Latin as a Teaching Tool

Online, 20/06/2023 – 21/06/2023

A Workshop Hosted by the Teaching Committee
of the International Association of Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS),
led by Andrew Morehouse and Ilse van Rooyen of Latinitas Animi Causa

This workshop is meant for teachers who are interested in spoken Latin and would like to know more about how and why it is used in the classroom. The workshop will feature two 90-minute sessions on Zoom. The first day of the workshop will focus on the scholarly and pedagogical rationale: why is spoken Latin an effective tool for teaching students to read authentic Latin texts? The second day of the workshop will focus on practical application: what are some methods for using spoken Latin in the classroom? No previous experience with spoken Latin is necessary, and no specific preparation for the workshops is required.

Day 1: Pedagogical rationale for spoken Latin as a teaching tool, 20 June 2023 at 11:00am–12:30pm US Eastern Daylight Time (= 17:00–18:30 Central European Time).

Day 2: Practical application for using spoken Latin as a teaching tool, 21 June 2023 at 11:00am–12:30pm US Eastern Daylight Time (= 17:00–18:30 Central European Time).

No advanced preparation is required. For the Zoom link to this free online workshop, please contact Tom Hendrickson (

Digital Resources for Teaching Neo-Latin

Dear members of the IANLS,

As announced during the last congress in Leuven, the newly formed IANLS Committee for Teaching of Neo-Latin wishes to collect digitally available teaching material and resources on the new IANLS website in order to promote and inspire the teaching of Neo-Latin and to help teachers (in schools and at Universities) who might have less experience with the field.

For this we need your help: We are inviting you to send us links to digitally available teaching material (ideally open access) that we can publish on the website. This could include annotated texts; didactic toolkits or didactic ideas; instruction videos; or other kind of material useful for teaching. (Note that some more general digital resources, like for example Johann Ramminger’s Neulateinische Wortliste, are already on the IANLS website under the tab of the Committee for Digital Resources).

If you are willing to share your own material or know of interesting sites that contains didactic material, please email the link to Christoph Pieper ( and to Ivan Lábaj ( [please copy both in your message!]. It would be very helpful if you could add 3–4 descriptive sentences about the content of the material/about what to be found on the site.

We are looking forward to receiving your suggestions!
Best wishes, in the name of the whole committee,
Christoph Pieper

Craig Kallendorf (1954–2023)

The Executive Committee of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies and its President are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Craig Kallendorf.

We remember with gratitude the outstanding work done by our former President for the Association and his human and professional qualities.

We extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Digital@IANLS Wikidata workshop

Online, 10/02/2023 and 24/02/2023

The Committee for Digital Resources will launch a new series of events digital@IANLS as a way to advance the use of digital technology among the members of the Neo-Latin research community by introducing digitalisation projects, demonstrating the use of digital tools and promoting best practice in employment of information technology for Neo-Latin research.

The events will be held online, their frequency will depend on the availability of speakers and topics, and the format will not be strictly defined (e. g., workshops, lectures, roundtable discussions and presentations are all possible). All members of the IANLS are encouraged not only to attend as speakers, but also to get in contact with the Committee in order to present their own digital projects or to suggest a speaker or a topic.

Please find the information and call for the first workshops HERE.

For more information on the event do not hesitate to get in touch with Alexander Winkler (

Subscribe to the new newsletter

Dear members of the IANLS,

During the business meeting at the congress in Leuven this August, I had the great honour of being elected as the new webmaster of IANLS, succeeding Johann Ramminger who had held this position for many years.

In the last few weeks I have tried to redesign the homepage of IANLS and give it a more modern design.

As part of this redesign, the newsletter has also been changed to a new system. To continue receiving all the news and updates from the world of IANLS, I kindly ask you to subscribe to the new newsletter HERE.

Stefan Zathammer

Submission to the Acta Conventus Neolatini Lovaniensis 2022

Dear participants of the IANLS congress,

A few weeks ago, we had a wonderful IANLS congress in Leuven, and the local organisers did a great job for all of us. Now, it is time to think about the publication of the proceedings. For general information about the Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, see: Publication of the Acta.

If you want to publish your paper in the Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, please, have a look at the style sheet and send your article (max. 28,000 characters, including spaces and footnotes) by 30 November 2022 to:

Remember that only participants who presented their paper personally at the congress, are allowed to publish it in the Acta.

After a formal check of your submission, we will send it to at least two peer reviewers, and we will let you know about their comments and reviews as soon as we get them. In the end, we will only be able to publish a selection of c. 50–60 papers.

If you have any further questions, please, write to Florian Schaffenrath. I am looking forward to receiving your submission, and together with Dirk Sacré, I will do my best to publish the volume in due time.

All the best,
Florian Schaffenrath
General Editor of the Acta Conventus Neo-Latini